Generator Installation

It never hurts to have a backup plan, right?

It never hurts to have a backup plan, right?

When Hurricane Sandy hit Long Island in October 2012, many residents found themselves without power for days — even longer in some cases. One of the best ways to stay safe and comfortable during a natural disaster — or any other catastrophic event — is to have a backup generator. Having a properly installed generator can help you power part or all your home or business, which means you can have peace of mind despite challenging conditions.

Looking for guidance on what type of generator would suit your needs? No problem. Universal Electrical Services can help you decide between a whole-house standby generator and a portable generator. A whole-house generator is a permanent backup power source that senses power failure and turns on automatically when utility power becomes unavailable. This source will power your entire home/business as if there was no service interruption. A portable generator must be turned on manually and is used to power only the most critical parts of your residence or office.

Universal Electrical Services can make sure you’re prepared to face any power-threatening event that may otherwise leave you disconnected and uninformed. We safely install generators that can be used to assist with any of the following:

When you stop to think of all the ways you rely on electricity every day, the benefits of having a generator pile up quickly — access to a backup electrical source can sometimes be the difference between life and death.

Protect your family, protect your home, protect your business. Call (516) 850-7776 UES today to learn more and be prepared for anything.

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